As we head into the dog days of summer I thought it would be a good time to share a few thoughts and ideas about the golf course this year. We have been receiving many comments about the condition of the golf course from members and guests, most saying that the golf course is in the best condition in years. My experience at Suffield only goes as far back as 2007, but one member has been playing the course since it opened, so I will certainly take his word for it. We appreciate all of the kind words and support, and are pleased to see so many people out enjoying the golf course this season.
I thought I would try to explain some of the things that contribute to the improved conditions we are enjoying this year as opposed to years past. The most obvious is the weather. The heavy soils and varying topography make it very difficult to maintain premium conditions during periods of heavy or persistent rain, as we learned over the last two years. This year has been warm and dry right from the start. The golf course has been firm and dry most of the year, which makes the game much more interesting, especially around the greens.
One of the keys to the good conditions that people may not realize is the replacement of the rough mower. The old unit was worn out and undersized for our application. The decks cut unevenly and scalped, and the motor was not powerful enough to handle the thick rough we have in wet areas during the early part of the season. The “new” machine is more powerful and versatile which enables it to maintain power in thick rough or when mowing steep slopes. The result is a healthy, uniform stand of turf throughout the golf course. The key difference is the amount of time we save on repairs and maintenance. At the end of last season we could not keep the old machine running for more than five or six hours at a time without something breaking or needing adjustment. The new machine requires very little maintenance at this point, which allows us to complete other tasks more efficiently.
The greens have been in great shape most of the year. This is the result of a number of programs that we are constantly tweaking. Our aeration programs over the last three years have produced healthy turf that has held up during some periods of extreme heat and humidity early this month. The surfaces are firm yet receptive, and very smooth and true. There will always be a small, and sometimes vocal portion of the membership that would like to see the greens a “little bit faster”, but I feel that the speed has been consistent and appropriate considering the undulations in the greens and the skill level of the average member.
One final contributor to the condition of the golf course is the amount of work that has been completed behind the scenes and under ground. Over the past few years the maintenance staff has been working very hard to repair and expand drainage, improve growing environments, and complete a number of projects that improve the general appearance of the property. The majority of this work is completed in the off-season and goes unnoticed or forgotten. Some projects are very prominent such as the recent work on the seventh and eighth holes, but for every obvious change there a dozen minor changes that go unnoticed. I expect we will be talking about the tree on eight for years to come, but how many people remember what the asphalt path looked like on the sixth tee? The new design of the seventh hole comes up almost every time people play the hole, but how often do we mention the seepage that used to plague the hill on nine? All of these projects, big or small, are the result of the hard work and dedication of our staff. We have been working with a reduced crew for the past few years and have still made steady and significant progress on the golf course. This fall we hope to complete more projects funded by the “Bunker Bash” and build on the success we have enjoyed over the past few years. Your support is always appreciated and we are pleased to see so many people enjoying the golf course. I hope to have more positive new to report in a few weeks after we begin planning the projects funded by the golf tournament on July 11th.