Monday, February 7, 2011

Testing mobile upload

I took this picture on my phone a week or so ago. I am testing my mobile posting feature on the blog.
Thankfully the warm weather has melted some of the snow and it looks like the next big storm is going to miss us.
Thanks for checking in.


  1. Success. Now I will be able to post from the golf course if I see anything interesting. If you thought I was tough on where you drove carts in the past...

  2. Now that's some snow! Any tree or property damage? I hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. I have not seen any damage thus far. I expect there will be some vole damage from burrows under the snow, and possibly some disease depending on how fast the snow melts.
    I expect the course will look very similar to the way we left it in December, but a lot wetter. Check out the latest post with the update from the USGA.


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